Camilla Herbig Camilla Herbig

Zucchini Slice

Still to this day it is a staple for our family and often used as a great gift when dropping a meal to a new mum or family having a rough time. Maybe it’s just us, but it always feels filled with love.

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Camilla Herbig Camilla Herbig

Cam’s Quiche

Anyone who says “men don’t eat quiche” aren’t cooking it right!

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Camilla Herbig Camilla Herbig

Sausage Rolls

Have you noticed at any event, from cocktail party to kid’s birthday, the homemade sausage rolls are always devoured by young and old.

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Camilla Herbig Camilla Herbig


Whether you feel like being healthy or need to pull together something from the pantry to take to a BBQ, this hummus is a winner.

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